An Index for Investing
Burton Malkiel is a legend in the investment world. He is legendary on Wall Street because Wall Street hates him and a legend on Main Street because he is an honest straight shooter (the main reason Wall Street hates him).
Malkiel wrote the seminal best seller "A Random Walk Down Wall Street," a must read for anyone truly interested in investing. The above link takes you to an interview with Malkiel by US News and World Reports - it will only take you about 5 minutes to read, you won't regret.
Malkiel was one of the individuals responsible for helping me build my investment philosophy - along with Bernstein (William), Bogle, Swedroe, Bernstein (Peter), Swensen, and Ellis. One of these days I'll post a list of books that one should read in order to truly learn the art of investing.
Scott Dauenhauer, CFP, MSFP, AIF